Minecraft Mods

Minecraft mods list. Where you can find out download file, recipes, spotlight, showcase or anything for mods of Minecraft.

How it works: Make a collector (recipe below) and right click to turn it on/off. While it’s on, a portal will be created in a random location ne
Compatible: 1.6.4, 1.6.2
Updated: June 2, 2015
What is AngryMobs Mod? AngryMobs is a new mod that will spawn hostile chickens, pigs, cows and sheep at night that will attack you and other animals o
Compatible: 1.6.4
Updated: June 2, 2015
What does Umbrella Mod adds? This mod adds multiple colored umbrellas! If you sneak while descending and holding an umbrella you will slowly fall to t
Compatible: 1.6.4
Updated: June 2, 2015
What does TerraMine mod do? TerraMine Mod adds more than 200 new things from Terraria to Minecraft without losing the style of minecraft. Pictures and
Compatible: 1.6.4
Updated: June 2, 2015
What is this mod? This is the League of Crafters mod! It’s a Minecraft mod adding champions from League of  Legends to the world. Mod
Compatible: 1.6.4
Updated: June 2, 2015
What it does? It works in Singleplayer and Multiplayer but some servers will stop the mod and in singleplayer you need to exit the menu before the eff
Updated: June 2, 2015
What does Glow Glass Mod do? It’s an aesthetic mod that adds glowing colored glass, and glowing colored fences, and glow crystals, and there are
Compatible: 1.6.4
Updated: June 2, 2015
What does mod do? The Graffiti mod allows you to spray paint blocks and draw anything you can think of in minecraft! You can paint on any blocks and c
Compatible: 1.6.4, 1.6.2
Updated: June 2, 2015
Mob Locket ( TNT + Fireworks). Launch mobs into air and explode. With the mob fireworks mod you can now launch and explode any mobs! Simply right clic
Compatible: 1.6.4
Updated: June 2, 2015
What does OreSpiders Mod do? This mod adds seven new spiders to the game. They are the redstone,gold,iron,coal,diamond,lapis, and emerald spiders. The
Compatible: 1.6.4
Updated: June 2, 2015