Minecraft 1.3.2 Maps

If you are a person who are interested in exploring beautiful terrain, Archalia Island Map is the perfect choice for you. Once installing this map, yo
Compatible: 1.7.10, 1.5.2
Updated: March 15, 2017
The Sunken Island Adventure is an example of an amazing imagination and amazing terra forming skills. If your not aware terra forming is basically scu
Updated: May 26, 2015
The Crash is an action adventure map in which you need to survive a plane crash, search the world for a man named:Nick, and even fight in a giant Boss
Updated: May 26, 2015
This game is based upon the movie "The Hunger Games". It’s a FFA PvP arena with up to 24 players + 1 (or more) hosts. There are many h
Updated: May 26, 2015
This game is based upon the movie "The Hunger Games". It’s a FFA PvP arena with up to 24 players + 1 (or more) hosts. There are many h
Updated: May 26, 2015